Motion Sickness - Tackle the problem
Motion Sickness - whether you are just about to set off on a great vacation or you just have to travel around for work, if you suffer with Motion Sickness, it can actually make you dread the journey. The dizziness, vomiting and fatigue that accompany Motion Sickness for some people can be too much to bear. A two hour journey can cause a full day of sickness.
Is there anything you can do to help ease the Motion Sickness? There are a few tips out there to ease the nausea which include the motion sickness bands or motion sickness watch.
When you have experienced Motion Sickness once, you will usually take yourself off to the doctor to avoid going through it again. You would think this would solve the Motion Sickness, however, most doctors do not get much training on dizziness. One afternoon is dedicated to this within the six or seven years of training - thats it.
You will notice when you have given your doctor all your details on your condition, 9 times out of 10, they will leave the room. Guess what this is for? The doctor will be searching your condition (Motion Sickness) on the internet!
There is now a new program available that you can try for a full 60 days and if it does not work, simple, get a full refund. You don't have to believe me, check out the reviews of people who used to be Motion Sickness sufferers but are now able to travel without the horrible condition. Visit www.motionsicknesscure.info
For more on Motion sickness visit my squidoo lens